Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Mom

I don't think as kids we appreciate all the things our Mom's do for us....Mom never missed a class play (even the one about library books where I was Miss Grammar Book), she made costumes for a Greek Play at school, elf costumes for Christmas parties, was cookie Mom for my girl scout troop and has taught the hula to my girl scout troop and a group of 2nd graders from my daughters elementary school. Mom took my brother and I to see "A Hard Days Night" at the movie theatre in Westchester Square...we had to stand in line....she was all of 28 years old waiting patiently with her 9 and 11 year old to see the 1st Beatles movie....she even sat through it a second time (in those days you didn't have to leave after the movie you could just stay and see it again)....she danced to Hawaiian Wedding Song at her children's weddings and 2 years ago danced it at her Grandson's wedding....that was so great to see...for her grandchildren who thought of Nannie as the person who cooks the best ribs and fried rice in the world (I also love her cole slaw and chocolate cracker pudding...yum)....anyway for her Grandchildren they saw a different side of Nannie...the person who with some arm twisting from her children got up in front of a room of wedding guests and danced the members were reduced to tears and she moved gracefully along the floor...a memory of a lifetime....My Mom was the Bell of the Ball.....last year she faced a tough battle and has been amazing....she has been positive and made her children proud....never saying why me but saying watch me...I have never been as proud of her as I have been the last year...way to go Mom!!!!

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