Sunday, May 23, 2010

It takes time

The numbers on the scale are moving down vvvvveeeeerrrrryyyyyy ssssssllllloooowwwwllllyyyyy. I heard someone on the Biggest Loser say you can't let the numbers define who you are. I know that is true but the numbers still matter a lot to me and I want to see them move down faster. I told a friend at work this week that I just don't want to walk in a room and be the "fat girl". She said that she had never thoguht of me that way. When I commented to another friend a while back that you cannot imagine how it feels to walk into a room and be the largest person there. He said to me" I never thought that....I just thought Donna is here". I want to be able to look in the mirror and feel good about my reflection. That is a long way off....

I want to wear a size that doesn't have an X attached to it.....
I want to walk into any store and buy off the rack.....
I want to be able to meet new people and not have to think once they get past the way I look they will really get to know me....
I want to not have to feel uncomfortable for the choices I make when I am out to eat and people looking at me like all I do from the time I get up until I go to bed is eat.....
I want to not have to think about my weight all the time....

I know there are other options than the path I have chosen to get to my goal. I feel I am finally on the right path for me. I know it won't happen overnight and am setting realistic goals. I can't think more than 5 pounds at a time or more than one day at a time, otherwise I feel overwhelmed. I have to believe that someday I will reach my goal.....

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