Saturday, May 1, 2010

Water, water and more water

I got to my desk on Monday morning to be greeted by a 32 ounce cup of water. My Work Director and friend Mary has made it her job to make sure I have this water on my desk each morning. Gigi comes by mid-day and takes my cup for a refill. Teresa comes back from lunch with 2 20oz bottles of guess what....water. On Tuesday, Cheryl brings me a bottle on cranberry flavored water I have so much support from my friends. I went a whole week and only had one soda. Normally, I would have had 14-21 bottles of diet soda. Lots and lots of water. Drinking a lot of it at home and in the gym too.

Wednesday, the Dr. calls to say the result from my CBC are back and everything is in normal range (thats the platelets, HCT and HGB). I am so relieved. I feel like I have been given a 2nd chance....woo hoo!!!

I get to the gym 4 times this week, have had gallons of H2O and am trying so hard to cut back on my drug of choice CHEESE. Can't give it up cold turkey but am weaning myself off slowly. For the first time in ages...there is actually cheese left over in the cold cut bin at the end of the week.

Saturday, I go to Weight Watchers and I am down on the scales. Maybe it's the water or the gym or less cheese...I am going to keep this up since it seems to be working.

When someone says to me "I don't see a big improvement. You should be down 30, 40 or 50 pounds." I try not to let it get to me but the tears do start to fall. I have to ignore the naysayers....I have so many people in my cheering section. They keep me motivated and I am so lucky to have them in my life.

As to those who doubt my ability to succeed this time....KISS OFF and watch my back and as I walk away from you...... looking and feeling better with every damn step...

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