Saturday, May 1, 2010

So Once In A While You Have A Lousy Week...

So I started my week with a Dr. appt. at 7:45 AM. My favorite annual visit. Good news to start BP 123/ exercise (or as they call it at WW... activity) is paying off. Then you get ready to leave and the nurse says, "when was the last time you had blood work?" I say "a few weeks ago when I went to get my asthma prescriptions refilled". They tell me my platelets are low, my HCT and HGB are high. So they take more blood...and I start to worry.

Did I wait too long to get myself together???

I get to the office and call my GP's office to get the results of the old blood tests. No call back Tuesday or Wednesday. Finally, on Thursday they call back. The nurse says "we didn't run a CBC. We checked you liver and kidneys due to the cholesterol med's I take". OK so how did they come out...."Your over all cholesterol is good..below 200. Your good cholesterol is fine at 50. Your bad cholesterol is 111 and it should be below 99." And this is the kicker...she says "You need to drink more water for your kidneys (ok I can handle this). you need to stop eating fried foods (FRIED FOODS...we don't eat and I don't cook fried foods...I bake everything...uugh...I hate when people assume things) and get ready for this "You need to exercise MORE"....WTF have I been doing.....3-4 times a week at the gym....sweating my butt off...I hate when people who don't really know me make generalized statements. Oh and then she said "You will have to come back in 3 months to be checked again." Now I have a headache and start to worry....

By the time I get to the gym for my Thursday night date with my trainer, Carol, I am a mess. She spends time talking to me about food choices. Common sense advise...if it didn't exist 100 years ago don't eat it. Meaning the processed foods we eat a big NO NO. Eats things that are in season...right now strawberries and other berries. There are no redeeming qualities in soda.

Next we tackle the stairs....1st one level...then with risers...then two steps up....I do OK with the one step and the riser, I look at the 2 steps and FREEZE. I stare at it like it is 10 feet high. Carol says "you can do it" I put my left leg up and then my right. I am shaking and sweating. Then I get down and do it again...and again...and again. Now I have to lead with my right leg (this is the knee that is screwed up). Total panic takes over and I cannot move. Carol says"It is all up here (pointing at my head)." I step up with my right and then my left. I get back down and then try to do it again....I freeze....Carol puts out her hands (not to hold but for stability)...I do 6 more sets and then she says do the last one alone....heart racing, sweating and shaking....I climb the two steps....

I go to Weight Watchers and lose NOTHING but trying to be optimistic..I gained NOTHING...when I have a week like that I try to think ...what would happen if I didn't go at all....I would be putting on weight instead of staying the same or losing....

I am so glad the week is over....those 2 stairs haunt me....I want to not have to think about them...but I did do 2 by myself and that was more than last week will be better and maybe I will do 3 by myself...building on last week...hey Rome wasn't built in a day.....

No one ever said it was going to be easy....

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