Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Goal: 3 Miles in 30 Minutes.......

I need to get to 3 miles in 45 minutes by June 6 for my Weight Watchers goal. My trainer says I should be working toward 3 miles in 30 minutes. The funny part is these goals are not scaring me.....I truly believe they are achievable...eventually.

Saturday, I worked out in the pool. I know my trainer wants me to not go to the pool (known as my safety zone) too often but since this was my 4th day at the gym this week, I thought it would be OK to do. There was a water aerobics class going on so I mimicked what they were doing so it ended up being a good work out after all.

Sunday, got to the gym early. I decided if no one was on the elliptical I would see how fast I could do a mile. I was so lucky (ugh) the elliptical were empty!!! I ended up doing a mile in 14 minutes. 2 minutes faster than my previous time!!

I do much better when I have 3 miles in 45 minutes is next...then cutting down the time to get to the 30 minute goal....OK that is an ambitious undertaking...when should I shoot for to meet the goal...Labor Day 2020??? OK Donna, set a realistic goal.... Labor Day 2010....141 days....3,384 hours....203,040 minutes....12,182,400 seconds...

Get ready feet.....we are going to do a lot of traveling and journey to places I didn't think I could get to......and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep....

1 comment:

  1. Life is a journey, not a destination. Some days of the journey are filled with warm sunshine, witty friends, and wonderful aromas. Other days of the journey are filled with illness, sweaty hair, and temptations. I have enjoyed reading about your journey so far and look forward to contine reading it. My money is on you girl!!!
