Friday, April 2, 2010

New Year's Eve 2009

Year End Review of 2009-

Spent 1st half of year worrying about whether or not I would have a job when the year ended. By December it was safe to say I would have a job.

Jenn graduated with her Master's Degree.

Mom was diagnosed with cancer in July. 2 Surgeries and chemo....uugghh !!!!

September- (Labor Day)- Bob diagnosed with cancer.

Feeling the stress of being so far from Mom, doctors bill rolling in and rolling in and rolling in...

Watching Bob travel to Atlanta for a few days of baseball and 2 trips to NY for Thanksgiving and Christmas while I sit here in Columbia and finance these travels...OK who's the dope here??

Well 2010 is going to be different.....lots of changes and lots to think about....

2010 is time for Donna to put herself front and more taking a back seat to anyone.....

Living with someone who doesn't remember or acknowledge your birthday, didn't even think to get you a Christmas present and only thinks of himself makes you start to think "what about me?".......

Good bye to 2009....Hello 2010.....the year about ME....

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