Friday, April 2, 2010

The G Word

Jan. 12, 2010- I walked into Golds Gym for the 1st time. Jenn and I had talked about it for months while the construction was going it was time for action. We did the tour of the gym. I was a nervous wreck. Then I had to make a list of 10 reasons to join the gym...this was harder than you think.

1. Better health
2. Self esteem
3. Lose weight
4. Put myself 1st
5. Not stand out in a crowd anymore
6. Live longer
7-10 are more painful...maybe someday I will share those.

The next thing was checking my body fat...ok how much humiliation can a person take in a day. I told John, the Gold's employee assigned to me for the moment, I didn't want to look at the number. He laughed and said "I am going to tell it to you anyway." It was not a pretty number (which I won't share with anyone right now). Then horror of horrors.....getting on a scale right there where everyone could see me....ok I need a strong drink !!!!

After all of that and me getting ready to we talked about a trainer. I wasn't ready to commit to that but Jenn encouraged me and said she thought it would be good for me. Sure why's only money....and it's for me....

Signed up to meet with a trainer once a week. Jenn did too !!! Her name is Carol. Good Luck Carol....I don't know if you are ready for the likes of me.....

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