Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I was told I would love my trainer, Carol. The only trainers I had seen before were Bob and Jillian on the Biggest Loser. So I asked ...."Will she make me cry?" Guess what she has made me cry....not during the workout but after when I get in the car and realize the things she has gotten me to do. Most of my friends know I am not the most coordinated person going.....I broke my arm and caused permanent nerve damage to my knee when I tripped over a basketball. One of my big fears is falling. What was the first thing we tackled....balance. OK how did Carol know?? She explained about core muscles and how important balance is. Instead of looking down, I need to pretend there is a string in my chest up to the ceiling. I have to stand on one foot and stay balanced.....that shouldn't be hard right?? Oh yes it is...I wobble and shake and finally can stand straight up for a few seconds. The I have to switch to the other leg. Next we go to the racquetball court, I have to walk BACKWARDS...carrying weights in each hand. Next the basketball court walking sideways carrying weights and lifting them over my head. I didn't fall....wow !! Within a few weeks, Carol has me out on the main gym floor just like everyone else. I am not as self-conscious as I thought I would be. I am also not taking as many breaks as I did when we first started meeting. One genetic flaw that has shown up... Carol has to remind Jenn and me to look up towards the ceiling and BREATHE.....

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