Thursday, April 8, 2010


Yes, I smiled while working out at the gym today. Why? I kept up with what Carol wanted me to do today. Sitting down and standing up may not sound like a big thing but when you are using your legs instead of pushing off whatever you are sitting on is very different. Doing wall push ups on your toes and pressing against the bottom of the palm of your hand is not easy but I did it. Bending down to the floor and stretching to the roof with weights or a ball in your hand over and over again felt great. Don't worry...Carol didn't make it easy for me. If I stood up too quickly she would say "that one doesn't count are using momentum and I don't want you to use momentum." She said that several times until I got it right. I mentioned I would like to work on climbing stairs....I may regret that statement. Next week, Carol is going to have me start working on steps...a little scary for me but I am starting to believe I can do it. I left the gym covered in sweat but feeling great!!! Hard to believe much I love the gym.....

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