Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The TRAINER...part 3

Each sessions is now a new adventure....I have started sitting on the half Pilate's ball (I have no idea what it is called) and hold my legs off the floor and my arms out at my side. Shaking and sweating...I surprise even myself. I have tried working with Pilate's bands and even bought some to use at home.

The pool is my comfort zone, Carol encourages me to step out of my comfort zone. I hear her in my head saying "Cardio, cardio, cardio!!" Each time I reach a new time on the elliptical I can't wait to tell Carol. As I said in an earlier post, my first time on that dreaded machine I could only last one minute. Now 8 weeks later......drum roll please....I am up to 26 minutes and went 1.63 miles. Thus weekend I will reach my first big goal...30 minutes and 2 miles on the elliptical. I never imagined I could do it!!! Carol is there with words of encouragement and pushes me to try new things. She was actually the person who suggested I start a blog about my journey. It has been therapeutic and I am learning a lot about myself. Some of what I share is funny, some sad, some very honest and scary too. Sharing this blog is putting my most personal moments to be shared with others. I am hoping by sharing maybe others will start their own journey to reach goals they never thought they could reach. I have such a long way to go. I can only look at it as one day at a time or 5 pounds at a time. When I get frustrated that the numbers on the scale are not what I want...she says "Be patient. You didn't gain it over night, you are not going to lose it over night. It will happen." I believe her!!!! I am so lucky to have Carol there to push me, cheer me on and share my journey. This is my time, no giving up, no looking back.

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