Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The TRAINER....part 2

Everyone has seen the big ball used in Pilate's...During one of our sessions Carol says "Sit on the ball." I say "you want me to what?" She says, "Sit on the ball." I say "I can't (or won't)". Why??? I was afraid it would explode. It may sound funny but I was really worried. I have spent my life worrying about things like this...am I too big for this....am I too big for that.....if you have never had to lose weight there is no way you can understand. I should say if you have never had to lose a lot of weight. There are people who do not think about food all the time...I do. Not wanting to eat but trying not to....it can be all consuming. It is not like when I quit smoking...I could survive without smoking BUT YOU HAVE TO EAT.

Back to the Pilate's ball...I trusted Carol. So I SAT ON THE DAMN BALL !!! Guess what...it didn't explode. I sat on it and balanced back and forth with weights in each hand...kind of like I'm A Little Teapot. Just as I started to feel comfy, Carol had me stand up and sit down and stand up and sit down over and over again....I love that Pilate's ball!!!!

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