Monday, April 12, 2010

2 Miles in 32 Minutes....

Yesterday was a huge day for me.....I finally broke the 30 minute goal I had set for myself. At 30 minutes I was at 1.85 miles so I went 32 minutes to get to 2 miles. OK I know it is not the world record 4 minute mile but for me it is such a big accomplishment !!! To go from 1 minute and ready to collapse to making it past the 30 minute mark....WOW. I am starting to feel good, not only physically but mentally. I have some great family and friends in my cheering section....there are also those who remind me of my past failures. As I pushed past my previous best time of 26 minutes, I started breaking down the minutes into 30 second blocks deciding I could quit any time I wanted to in 30 second increments... that made it easy. By the time I was done, my hair was flat from sweat and my make-up was running down my face (what was I thinking doing my hair and make-up before I went to the gym???). Saturday, I was also down at Weight Watchers another positive. They are having a 5K on June 6th. Seems like I have my next goal. I would love to be able to do it in less than 45 minutes. OK so now I have 2 goals...5K in less than 45 minutes...think I can do it? Two months ago I wouldn't have said yes....but now I think I can.

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