Sunday, April 18, 2010

Did I say I wanted to work on stairs?????

You know the phrase be careful what you ask for......I learned the meaning of it on Thursday. Last week, I told my trainer I wanted to work on stairs. Between my bad knee and my insistence that one of my legs is significantly shorter than the other, I have really taken to hating stairs. I have to do them slowly. One step at a time. I also find it embarrassing to have some one help me when climbing out of my friends pool. OK the excess weight I am trying to shed doesn't help the situation either. Oh and I do have that fear of falling that is always in the back of my mind.

Why the stairs you might ask?? I had seem a man on the Biggest Loser climb the stairs on his own after working on it and thought I would love to be able to do that too!!

Thursday I showed up at the gym and Carol, my trainer, was ready for me. First we started with the step used in step class....up and down....up and down...then backwards and forwards...backward and forwards...then she added a riser to make it higher...we did it over and over again....I was sweating was falling off my head on to the stepper....

By the time I was done, Jenn said my hair was slicked back like a used car sales man in the movies....Carol said next week she will be adding another level....

I know this is good for me...I felt good when I was I walked out of the locker room I saw one of the ladies that I chat with occasionally...she said "you just got out of the pool?" (due to my soaking wet hair)....I said "no I just finished with my trainer"....she said "that must have been a good work out"

It's funny....stairs....such a simple thing that people walk up and down everyday and never give it a me you might as well ask me to climb Mt Everest...well here I step at a time....

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