Sunday, May 23, 2010

Do people know how much I try ??

I had a good week at Weight Watchers and was down for the week. Actually, I was down after 6 days between weigh-ins. I had to go on Friday this week instead of Saturday because I had to work Saturday and was still down. I was very happy !!I have had some people at work say they can see the changes in me. I still have so very far to go and can't even imagine what I will look like at the end. Not that there is ever an end....then comes what I have heard is the harder part...maintaining.

I dream about getting to goal. I see myself in the sleeveless black dress that I have always wanted to wear. Pants with zippers, tucking in my shirt and wearing a belt, I can't imagine what that will feel like. Wearing a cover up over my bathing suit because I want to, not because I am self-conscious.

I wish people could climb inside my head and body and see how hard I try. There are people have no clue about the changes and choices I make every day. It can be exhausting....but I have dreams and dreams can come true....right?

Dreams....what would be do with out them. My hopes and dreams are all tied up together. I will not let anyone tell me that I can't achieve my dreams. I cannot let anyone kill my hopes or spirit. The best thing I can do is stop letting the negative people impact my life.....I just have to figure out how to do it....suggestions anyone ????

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