Sunday, June 6, 2010

3.2 miles on the elliptical....WOO HOO

On June 1, 2010, I achieved one of my goals. It took 47 ugly minutes and boy did I look ugly when I was done.....I did the 5K I had planned to finish by June 6th. I went to the gym saying "this is the day!!!" I just wanted to get it done before my deadline. I started slowly picking up the pace as I moved along. 1/10 of a mile, 1/5 of a mile, 1/4 of a mile....I hit about the 2 mile mark and Jenn comes in from the session with her trainer. I didn't know Carol, my Trainer, was walking behind her. All of a sudden I hear a voice say "Stand straight up!!" I look around and there is Carol, smiling but meaning every word she says. So I stand up and continue on. The gym has a rule that during the busy hours you shouldn't stay on any machine more than 1/2 hour so others have a chance. At 35 minutes, I get off the ellipitical and see if anyone wants to use it...I wait 5 one gets on so I get back on and finish the last mile. I then sit on the couch for a few minutes to catch my breath. I leave the gym get in the car and start to cry. I am overwhelmed.... I call my brother to tell him what I just did. He is very positive about my accomplishment but remninds me the journey is not over. Like I didn't know that.... the journey has only just begun....

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