Monday, June 21, 2010

You've Gotta Have Friends...

I get by with a lot of help from my friends !!!! To offset the support I lack from the most obvious source, I have an amazing group of friends in my cheering section. From the friends I have had since High School to the ones I have know for just a few months....I am blessed. They come from all walks of life and a variety of backgrounds. By some stroke of luck each of these special people crossed paths with me. They are encouraging, positive and want to see me succeed. When I am low, they cheer me up. When I get tired of the journey, they walk with me. When I doubt my chances for success....they kick me in the butt !!!!!

My father used to say "At the end of your life, if you can raise one hand and say I have 5 true friends you have lived a rich life." Lately, I have felt like a millionaire. There hasn't been a day since I started this trip I am on that someone hasn't stopped to say something positive, or call me to see how I am doing or text me to see how my week is going. I don't know if I would have gotten this far without each and every one of them..I wasn't sure I wanted to reveal so much about my personal is scary to put yourself out there for others to see what is going on not only on the outside but also inside. I have found this to be one of the most gratifying experiences of my life!! I have been encouraged to get physically fit, eat healthy, learn about myself, lose weight, explore new options and continue to write. While I am still holding back on some of my thoughts and feelings, each day I feel a little braver and step a little further our of my comfort zone.

To all my friends and cheerleaders....THANK YOU for sharing this long, long walk....I am so lucky to have you all by my side.....

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