Sunday, June 6, 2010

She's Back.....the Trainer returns...

Carol, my trainer, has been a way for a bit. In the meanwhile, both Jenn and I have been keeping busy working out 3-4 times a week. Carol and I pick up where we left off....the stairs. I am definitely doing better on them and we work on my flexibility which she says is very good. Then I have to hold my arms out straight in front of me and bend my legs in the air (one at a time of course) and once again she says she sees improvement in how much I can bend my knees. I am no where near where I need to be but am improving in baby steps.... By the end of the session, I am looking fabulous dripping in sweat. The sweat is my badge of honor. I am proud that I have worked myself into a sweat. I think back a year ago and how unfit I was....not that I am in super shape now but it feels good to know I am being proactive. It is a shame I didn't do this years ago but at least I am doing it now.....

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