Saturday, June 12, 2010

It Can Get Very Confusing...the Food Thing...

My trainer and now friend, Carol, suggested a book for me called "The Belly Fat Cure". It stresses eliminating a lot of sugar and minimize the carbs. I am just starting to read it. I go to Weight Watchers and I am up 1.4 pounds. It feels like a million pounds. I have to figure the food thing out. My WW leader suggests I watch the sodium. So there go the pretzels I love as a snack. OK so no sugar, no sodium and less carbs. Plus I have to write down everything I eat. I feel like a failure. Maybe I am meant to be FAT!!!! I can have a cinnamon raisin bagel in the morning but the jelly I put on it is no good. I can't have the pretzels. Some fruits have too much natural sugar. Cheese is a no-no (at least as much as I would like to eat). So after looking at all my food options I realize the only thing left is water and celery. Even prisioner's get to eat better than that!! I went to Publix and drooled over the grape tomato' crazy is that? How crazy is it that I have been working all these months and have only lost 22 pounds? I have to figure out the balance and what works for me. It will probably be a combination or a hybrid of both plans. I am going to spend the next part of my journey trying to figure out what works best for me in the eating department. Obviously, I cannot survive on a diet of celery and water so it will have to be trial and error to get the right balance. I have been asked or it has been suggested that I go for gastric bypass surgery. For some people this is the right choice. I am not going with that option. I am trying to lose the weight I need to by excercise and eating the "right" things. I think I have the excercise part figured out (and I have Carol and Jenn to keep me honest there) so now I really have to figure out the food thing. I have to figure out what foods satisfy me and won't add pounds....I have to figure out the balances and quantities to have ....I have to find enough variety to not get bored. That's part of it....I have to figure it out. I have a lot of people giving me good advice, I just have to sort through it until I find out what works for me!!!! That's right me !!!! I am not looking to be skinny even I am honest enough to know that isn't where I am heading.....I just want to be comfortable in my own skin....just less of it....

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