Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Pretty Good Week....

On Tuesday, I did a mile on the ellipitical in 14.40 minutes. That is a new record for me.

On Thursday, Carol had me balancing on the Pilates Ball out in the middle of the work space. I had to sit on the ball, put my arms out straight on each side and lift on leg at a time. I was surprised I could do it. Carol spent a lot of time working with me on balance. Standing on one leg at a time with my arms out on each side....with weights....telling me to hold my arms out. And of course we did some step work. After our workout, I asked her about my progress. Carol said she wished she had a video of me from when I first started working with her. Just walking distances was hard. Now I do well on the ellipitical, my balanced is improving, my stamina is improving. I am also very flexible and bending to reach the floor. We discussed nutrition and trying to minimize my sugar intake. I have so much to think about....

On Friday, I went to Weight Watchers and was down 4.2 pounds !!! So far I am down 26.2 maybe my goal of 50 pounds down by the end of the year is do-able.....

I looked at myself in the mirror today and thought I saw some changes....nothing major but the reflection looking back didn't look quite as round....maybe just a little less full....

Last year I ordered some t-shirts in a certain size...they are getting too fact I had ordered the next size down and they are also getting too big!!!!

I have such a long way to go but I am starting to see small improvements....maybe not enough for others to notice but that really doesn't matter as long as I see them. The destination is good health and a longer improved appearance is an added benefit but not the goal. I want to not be the subject of stares, jokes or cruel remarks. Sounds funny but I just want to blend in with everyone else....

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