Saturday, June 12, 2010

Taking It Up A Notch....

OK here is today's piece of advice....when your trainer say we are going to take it up a very, very scared !!!! Thursday, when I met with my trainer, Carol, those were the words she said to me. Let me just give you a sample of what I was in for....holding weights over my head and being asked to jump....yes I said you have any idea how long it had been since I had jumped??? I did as I was told and jumped. You probably could have only gotten a piece of paper between the floor and my feet but I jumped. Then it was the steps from step class, then one riser, then two risers and then three. When she got to the third riser she said I only had to do it once. I got up on it on my left leg. For my right leg I had to rest my hands on Carol's shoulders. Talk about nerve wracking !!!! Then back to one step with a riser, now I have to step on to it and put my arms out in front (like superman) and lift one leg in the air (10-12 times) then with the other leg do the same thing. Then stand on the step and balance on one leg and arms out straight (for this I had to put my hands on Carol's shoulders for stability). I took breaks to use my inhaler and drink water. At one point I thought someone was staring at me and started to cry. Carol told me no one was staring at me and they are all concerned about themselves not me. By the time we are done, I have started to cry several times but Carol wouldn't let me give up. By the time I get home I am still sweating profusely. Later I make the mistake of sitting in the recliner. Talk about stiffing up!!! I could hardly walk. Each step I took I let out this pathetic whimper. When I woke up Friday I was considering amputating my right leg. Gradually, the pain in my knee went away but the hip is still a little tender. It will probably feel better by next Thursday. Just in time to take it up another notch!!!

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