Monday, June 21, 2010

Trying A New Idea...

One of the hardest things to do is come home from work and cook. I also tend to eat what I make for the family. Jenn is flexible....Bob is not. He has a huge appetite and eats ridiculous amounts of food. With him every meal is a feeding frenzy. This in no way helps my weight loss efforts. I never get to eat what I want. Plus after 28 years you get tired of cooking....especially when you know it is not the best choices for you. Bob could care less what food is good for me. He wants what he wants.

So here is my new strategy....I am making Bob his own meals. This week I made 2 pork chops and 2 chicken breasts. He can have the pork chops for dinner one night and the chicken breast the other. Last night, he has Chinese for dinner...Jenn and I did not. I have also made plans for his meals for the other nights of the week. You might think this is double work but in the long run it is not. Bob can eat whenever he wants....I walk in the door to be greeted with "when is dinner?" He has been home since 3:00 and I walk in at 6 or my mind I am saying "make your own damn dinner!!!!" Any way by making him his meals it is a win win for me. Not having to announce when dinner is ready, not having to work my weight loss efforts in Bob's meal plan and I feel free to have whatever I want and what works for me...FREEDOM !!!! I don't know why I didn't think of it before....duh. I think this is a good lifestyle change. I came home tonight and Bob was ready to eat. So eat already!!! He heated up his chicken, made a can of veggies and poof dinner was complete.

My stress level is down....I am starting to take control of the things that make me crazy. Those of you who know me well know I am a bit (OK maybe more than a bit) of a control freak. So why didn't I think about this meal plan before? Maybe because now it is all about me.... and it's about time!!!!

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