Sunday, June 20, 2010

I Never Said I Was Perfect....

I worked out a couple of times last week. Tuesday, I did a lot of stair work. A trainer stopped to tell me she had seen me jumping last week. OK how embarassing is that? My jumping was not very impressive. But she said I was doing a good job and to keep up the good work. Jenn said my trainer said she was proud of me. On Thursday, I again worked out and by the time we left I was my usual sweaty mess.

Friday at work we had a team breakfast. I ATE....yes I said it I ATE. I had some scrambled eggs, a biscuit, bacon, strawberries and hash brown casserole. I even had a second helping of the hash brown casserole. I felt guilty after so I compensated by watching what I ate the rest of the day. I have to admit it all tasted ssssssoooo good.

Saturday I was really tired. I didn't make it to Weight Watchers. I didn't even get out of my pj's until 1:30. I needed the down time.

Sunday....I am back on track. Ready to recommit. I have been reading about limiting my carb's and sugar. 15 grams of sugar per day and 6 grams of carb's isn't a lot plus throw in watching the sodium. The sodium I understand. Figuring out how to limit the sugar and carbs is going to take some brain work.

I know these changes are not rocket science but for me it might as well be....I will be working on reading labels and seeing what I am taking in right now as far as carb's and sugars. Then I will start to cut back. The 15 grams of sugar and 6 carb's per day is a goal...not something I can change over night.

Why can't this be easier.....they say nothing worth having is I ready to give up? Nope but stopped to recharge my batteries....and on I go....

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