Sunday, June 6, 2010

The W's...Weight Watchers and Wicked......

Yesterday was a great day !!!! I went to Weight Watchers and was down again....WOO HOO !!!! Then Jenn and I went to see Wicked in Charlotte. The seat were very comfy and I told Jenn I didn't feel like a stuffed sausage sitting in the seat. She laughed and said I didn't look like a stuffed sausage either....When we left the play there are 2 flights of stairs to the parking lot. You know what I did? I climbed the stairs like everyone else. I held onto the railing and went up from one step to the next. It didn't do my usual one step and stop another step and stop. It felt great and I walked to the car never stopping. WOW !!!! I passed a woman who was doing the one step and stop like I used to, I felt bad for her as I saw others walk around her. That was me just a short time ago. I never want to be there again.

It was one of those perfect days where Jenn and I spent time having some good conversation, I didn't embarrass her by singing the songs from the play during the play and we avoided what could have been a serious accident by less than an inch (not my was the jackass that cut me off). Anyway, it is good to have one of those really nice days once in a I take control of my life I expect to have a lot more.... :-)

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