Sunday, November 21, 2010

250 steps gone.....

On Thursday, I started working on my goal of 500 steps on the stepper in 20 minutes. I am breaking this into 2 phases. The first phase is being able to complete the 500 steps. Then I will work on the speed.

Carol, varied my workout so it isn't boring. We did some stairs, then weights (dead lifts and lifting from my sides to shoulder height), squats and back to the steps. By the time we were finished I had done 150 steps. I was waiting for Jenn who was on the track so I decided to do another 50. Then Jenn went to work on machines, so I did another 50. I was pleased to get half way to my goal just one week after setting the goal. Now I will focus on 350-400....maybe by next week. Surprisingly, I didn't feel horrible but the sweat running down my back felt nasty.

Steps, steps, steps.......walk, walk, walk......sweat, sweat,sweat.....

Over and over again......

With each step moving closer to the, me, me

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