Sunday, November 21, 2010

My ankles look like GRAPEFRUITS....

Reading the title of this entry should give you a hint as to how my week went at the scales.....uuggghhh !!! I knew when I got up in the morning that I would be up at the scales when I saw my swollen ankles. For the men reading this entry......have you ever heard of WATER RETENTION ????

I was right.....I was up. My solution.....I went to the gym and worked out.

This week will be a hard one......between my birthday and Thanksgiving.....there are a lot of land mines to step around. I will do my best to think it through and make good choices. I have decided if I can get through to the 1st of the year maintaining or still losing would be great. My biggest goal is to NOT GAIN.

One cookie, one slice of pumpkin pie or a small helping of sweet potato souffle won't cause me to gain. I just have to remember to stop at one cookie, one small slice of pie or a small helping of sweet potato souffle. I am not going to be a martyr and walk around with a sign that says "don't feed me". I need to learn once and for all how much to put on my plate. If I decide to have a little extra potato's then I need to pass up on the green bean casserole.

Please do not stare as I put food on my plate. I will have to answer to the scale....not you. If I eat very little that day before the meal or watch what I eat all week and do no use my bonus points until Thursday.....I should do OK.....

Bottom line is I am way ahead of where I was this time last year and for that I am truly THANKFUL!!!!

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