Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Handle A Rough Day At The Office....

Last Thursday was one of those days where not only did I earn every cent I get paid but by the end of the day the company should have owed me money.......

It was a day filled with interviews, meetings, etc, etc.....

My team knows that come hell or high water on Tuesday and Thursday, I leave the office at 5:00 to go to the gym for a 6:00 workout. Well at 5:50, I was still at my desk.

I finally got in the pool at 6:35 after slamming the door to my locker after my daughter asked me why I was late....

I finished the water aerobics at 7:00 and stayed in the pool doing laps until 7:35.

I got home at 8:00.......

What makes this behavior so special that I need to post about it?

As I left the office, I thought to myself....go home ....the hell with the gym. ....

BUT that was what the old Donna would have done. The new Donna reminded me that I would feel better after working out. Also, it would be beneficial for my family to delay my arrival at home. I also knew that I would be mad at myself later on for driving past the gym. I have changed. Going to the gym to work off stress instead of going home in a lousy mood and making the wrong eating something wrong.

Maybe Donna is growing up after all......

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