Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A New Goal.....500 Steps On The Stepper....

On the Biggest Loser, the contestants had to do 500 steps on the stepper in 20 minutes. This is a new goal for me to attempt. I will work at it in 100 step increments. This is a very ambitious goal. The last real defined goal I had was to do 3 miles on the elliptical which I accomplished last June. I still have not gotten to the speed I wanted to do the 3 miles but that doesn't make me a failure. Someday, I will go back and work on that....

In order to feel successful, I need achievable goals but that are also a stretch. The 500 steps is definitely a challenge.

Switching up my goals is like getting a kick start. Changing things up prevents me from getting bored. Boredom can kill my ambition.

Eleven months into my journey....eleven months of trying to put me first....eleven months of learning how many friends and supporters I have......eleven months of working to improve myself.....eleven month of trying to accept the fact how I feel about myself is more important than what others think of me......eleven months of realizing some people will never think I look good unless the scale says what they think is acceptable......

All of this in just eleven short months.....can't wait to see how I feel by this time next year.....the difference from last year has been huge......

I thought I knew it all at 25, then 35, then 45 and now as I turn 55, I realize I have so much to learn but boy am I having fun.....learning about me !!!

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