Sunday, November 21, 2010

Doing Something About the Things That Bother Me...

While working to improve my health, lose weight and improve my endurance.....let's face want to look better too. As I have said before a size 6 is not in my future but then again it was not in my past either....

As you get older there are things you notice that weren't there before.
I get my eyebrows waxed because I can't tweeze my eyebrows with my bifocals on....
I try to decide between getting my hair colored or pretending the grays are highlights....

I really do tell you all way too much about myself but then again that is the point of this blog.....isn't it???

Yesterday, I did something new.........I got my face waxed......yes, I said I got my face waxed !!!
I don't like the fuzz on my face and have become self conscious about it. I decided to get it removed. It felt wax on your face and then feeling it being pulled off with some kind of strips. When I was done, I was very pleased with how it looked. I think it makes my face look less full (notice I didn't say slimmer....hey, this wasn't plastic surgery or a face lift after all). I will be curious to see how it looks when I put on some make-up on Monday.

Anyway, as I see things I can improve on while I continue to work on my weight and over all health.....I may get brave and try something else.....not really sure what they might be but then again I didn't wake up Saturday saying "Today, I will get my face waxed."

Small changes and easy fixes will help me endure the long road weight is not an easy fix but is happening very, very slowly....improved overall health is happening....I can see it and feel it. I climbed a short flight of stairs yesterday without the usual one step stop, another step stop....

Note to self: your are a work in progress......don't be too hard on long as you know you are trying....that's all that matters. Pep talk over !!!

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