Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Have To Walk With Ease To Get To Italy

One of the places I have always wanted to visit is Italy. I remember my parents trip there and how much they loved it. My friend, Kathy, went there a few years ago and said it was a place she would definitely visit again. Another good friend, Gigi, just returned from there last week. All of these people came back with rave reviews and made my desire to travel there even stronger.

Besides the obvious.....saving the money to go......I also need to be able to walk....a lot....for long periods of time. This is something I need to work on. My stamina has improved and as I lose weight I am hoping any aches or pains I feel in my knees and hip will decrease. I have already seen some improvement. I am never going to be a speed walker but I know I need to be able to walk distances in order to enjoy my trip.

Well there you have it,,,,,a new goal for my list. Increased activity + weight loss = walking in Italy. I have started water walking and will increase my time and distance in the pool. Maybe at few laps on the track wouldn't hurt either.

OK here we go....I would get a t-shirt that says "Walking For Italy" but then it might sound like a about "Walking To Italy" that doesn't work about "Italy or Bust".....nope too many jokes could be made about that....."Italy Here I Come".....that sounds great....

Let me start practicing my Italian now.....until next time.....Arrivederci.....

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