Sunday, October 24, 2010

NSS = Non-Scale Success

At my Weight Watchers meeting the topic was Non-Scale Successes......a good topic since I was up at the scales......

As I go back in my mind over my week I look for where I might have tripped myself up.....could it be the banana's, apples or pineapples which have a lot of sugar. Did I not drink enough water? Did my nightly soda hurt? There is always the CHEESE !!!! I had a vegetable plate for lunch one day and steamed dumplings another....trying to switch things up. Maybe wrong choices.....

At this point in my life I should get it !!! Instead I am still trying to figure things out. I don't know why this shouldn't be crystal clear.....why I still have so many questions and not a lot of definite answers.

Once again it is time to regroup and refocus......I know I can be successful !!! I set goals and timeframes for myself and then am disappointed when I do not meet them. But if I do not set goals then I would flounder. Goals can be changed and adjusted. I hope no one will look at me like I am a failure by moving goals. For example, as we head to the end of October the goal of being down 50 pounds by the end of the year doesn't seem likely. SO WHAT !!!! I will weigh considerably less than what I weighed at the beginning of the year......I have only missed 2 weeks at the gym since last January.....I have experimented with new foods. Well that sounds like a successful year to me and that's all that really matters !!!!!

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