Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Have Dreams Other Than The Little Black Dress...

I have a picture on my desk of a little black dress.....someday, I want to buy myself a basic black dress....nothing frumpy.....and maybe just maybe sleeveless....

While health, exercise and weight loss have been at the front and center of my life this year.....I have also made the time to dream . What kind of dreams you might ask?

I would love to be successful as a writer. What action am I taking toward making this dream come true? I just found an online class I can take dealing with how to write successful articles for magazines. I am going to sign up for a class that starts in January. I think that is a good time of year for the class, the holidays will be over and we hit the after holiday doldrums.

I want to travel. I am going to search for a really good travel magazine that can give me idea's for affordable trips. Maybe if I earn incentives next year, I can earmark some of that money as a vacation fund.

I want to spend more time with friends doing fun things. Whether it be at lunch on a Saturday or a week-end with the girls. This is something I have to put on my MUST DO list. I find the time I spend with my friends makes some of the daily struggles easier to endure.

Maybe I can start to think about visiting family out west that I haven't seen in years. I miss them a lot.

This list is only a partual list of my dreams.....I will share more at a later date. I can't reveal all my secrets.....

You will notice this list of dreams is only about things I want to do. Why you may ask? I am finally at a point in my life where I have to dream for me not anyone else. If you would like to come along with me on some of my adventures/dreams....ask me......and maybe just maybe I will say YES.....

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