Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Don't Have To Be Perfect.....Just Better

I see people who can drop weight so easily or who can eat whatever they want and not have to worry about it. I also have seen people who have had surgery to increase their weight loss. I do not lose weight quickly and quite honestly the thought of surgery terrifies me. I did go to a meeting a few years ago about gastric bypass surgery. I left the meeting knowing this was not an option for me.

That left me with two options.....stay the way I was or take the slower route to weight loss and better health.

Those of you who read this know what my decision was.....gradual weight loss and increased activity. The gym had become as much a part of my life as breathing. I look forward to seeing what Carol has in store for me. I am proud of the fact I can now go through our whole workout without a break. I am learning to look forward not down while I exercise. There is a lot going on in the world when you look around instead of focusing on the ground.

This week I was down at Weight Watchers....not a lot but down......this is what I mean by better not perfect. I thought up some changes for my meals during the week that will change up my lunches. As I said in earlier posts, I don't want to get bored.

The changes I seek are front and center in my mind each and every day....sometimes I want to throw in the towel....but then I walk into the gym and accomplish something new......I pass up something I really would love to eat......I try on a pair of pants and a new top and look in the mirror and like the small improvements I see. Last week, I had to dress up one day for work and actually thought I looked nice.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror and feeling comfortable with what I see will come in time. But at least one day last week I looked in the mirror and didn't frown. The person looking back at me wasn't perfect but she was definitely better......

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