Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Time At The Gym Is Paying Off...

I spent 3 hours on Wednesday with co-workers at Harvest Hope Food Bank. It was constant activity. I stood and filled bags of potato's, sat and bagged snacks, and filled shopping carts with groceries for the clients. It was 3 hours of constant movement. And guess what....I was able to keep up !!!! I was sweaty and thirsty by the time we were done but I made it. I don't think I could have done it a year ago.....

My energy and endurance has definitely increased....that's one of the payoffs for going to the gym on a regular basis.

I found out on Friday that I will be able to go to the food bank once a month to help out for 4 hours. I will going on Senior Citizen Wednesday which means we will bring the groceries out to the clients cars. It means more walking and lifting which is fine with me !!!!

One of my big fears is not being able to finish physical tasks. I was worried as I drove to Harvest Hope that I might not be able to go the distance. There was no reason to worry....I made it with energy to spare.....

I am looking forward to going again on October 13th. And I am happy to move another concern for the "can't do" to the "can do" side of the balance sheet.....well what do you know....the positive side of the balance sheet is getting longer and the negatives slowly are erased.....and on I go......

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