Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Am Flexible

Those of you who know me well are saying "Yeah right....Donna flexible....NOT". I do not mean flexible as far as going on a spur of the moment vacation or buying something impulsively....we all know I have to plan everything to the nth degree and think and think and think about something before taking action.

BUT at the gym......Carol says I am flexible. This week I stood with my back against the wall, held weights in each hand, bent to the floor, lifted my arms to the sides of my head and then lift my arms up with the rest of my body until I was flat against the wall again. My abdominal muscles could feel the strain and it was amazing. I also spent time doing squats, standing on one leg and kicking the other leg behind me. Carol was very encouraging and I need that positive reinforcement.

So while I may not take off to Europe on a moments least I know there is some place where I can bend and stretch with ease.....

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