Sunday, October 24, 2010

Feeling Cool When Getting Out Of The Pool....

Finally, out of the 90's !!!! I didn't think the hot weather would ever end !!!! Last week when I left the gym after water aerobics, I was chilly. WOO HOO !!! I didn't think that would ever happen since we have had hot weather since last April. I am so lucky to have the indoor pool at the gym. By the time I go to water aerobics class the sun is setting, some days the sky looks fabulous. That is an added treat while exercising.

I hope the pool water gets a little warmer as the weather continues to cool. Even as I leave the gym sweating from my workout, I will need to remember to bring something to keep warm. Coming out all sweaty makes me feel cold. I have become such a southern the girl who used to walk the dog in the winter in flip flops after a February snowstorm in NY.

Look at me....LOL....worried that I might catch a chill after working out at the gym. That is nothing I would have had to think about a year ago.

I love this time of year....a little chill in the air.....sweater weather.....something else to add to my gym bag.....

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