Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Step Toward Thinking I Can Do It.....

I have always loved writing. And on occasion have been told I write well. It is not easy for me to say I do things well. BUT when I comes to writing..........I believe it is one of my gifts. I have two notes hanging on the wall in front of my desk. One says Do What Melts Your Heart and the other says Did You Live A Life of Passion? Writing is one of my passions and does melt my heart. What I need to do is be more dedicated. Write every excuses. Take the advice of others who write (such as reading the books suggested to me including The Write To Write- yes, Wayne I know I have been procrastinating).

Time to take action. I read that Barnes and Noble has a new publishing site. I started to look into it this week. Amazon has one too. OK so now I may have a place to send things I want to have published. I am also looking into other avenues to get my words in print. One of the things the B&N site asks for is information on where to put your profits if something you write is purchased. It got me thinking.....

In order for a dream to come true you have to be proactive. Guess what I did?? I don't want to mix the money I may earn from my writing with the households funds. So I opened up a checking and savings account at a credit union. These accounts will be for the sole purpose of a place to put any profits from my writing. I was very excited to take this step. I feel like I am saying.....I am a writer. Hopefully there will be a time when my new bank account will start to grow.

Like going to the gym is a way to a healthier and happier me which takes care of the physical and mental parts of Donna. That little bank account represents my passions and some of my dreams. It is amazing what a little account with a $25 balance can me it is everything........

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