Sunday, October 17, 2010

Waving with Webbed Hands

After being up at the scales last week I had thought about skipping Weight Watchers this week. I had lunch with friends one day and a team lunch for Bosses Day another. I didn't go overboard for either lunch but as I drove to my meeting I once again reviewed my week and wondered if I had made the right choices.

Thank goodness I was down at the scales....

I went to the gym and worked out in the pool. I am using my new webbed gloves in the pool. You can really feel the resistance of the water. During my workout, I saw a Mom with two young sons looking through the glass door at the pool. I raised my hand to wave at the boys, one smiled and waived back.....the other looked at his mother very confused. It appeared he was asking her what was wrong with my hands. The look on his face made me laugh. Then he waived back and they were on their way.

I did about 3/4 of a mile in the pool in laps. According to the water aerobics instructor, the distance you travel in the pool equals more on land. I ended up doing what would have been almost 3 miles of walking/jogging. By the time I exited the pool my arms and legs were feeling it.

Each time I leave the gym, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I am proud that I have stuck with the gym. I think it shows my determination to achieve my goals. Having Jenn to give me that gentle nudge or kick in the butt to get me through the doors on the days when I don't feel like going always is worth it when I leave the gym an hour later. I know in order to get to where I want to go.....the gym is not optional.

Webbed hands, pools, the elliptical, sitting on the Bosu and balancing, steps and stairs.....not what I had anticipated when I thought about joining the gym but now are as much of me as like my trainer says remember to breathe.....

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