Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Am A Caterpillar......

My good friend Mary gave me a magnetic note that I have hanging by my desk that says "Just when the Caterpillar thought the world was over, she turned into a butterfly". When she told me she had something for me, I asked if it would make me cry. She said it might. Once I read those words the waterworks turned on. My mascara and eyeliner are not waterproof !!!!

The words made me think about this year and the transformation I am trying to accomplish. To tell you the truth I have always felt like the Caterpillar. Never the smartest or most attractive. Fulled with lots of insecurities. Wanting to please, wanting to be liked. I know there are some good things about me.....I have a wicked sense of humor, a great laugh, am a good friend, love being a Mom and try to see the glass half full. But I am also realistic, not meant to be a size 8 or class valedictorian. I wish I had tried harder in school to get better grades (too bad they didn't grade socialization....I would have gotten a great grade in that).

The nice part about this phase of my life is I still feel like I have things I want to accomplish. The writing things takes front and center. I know I can get something published and just have to make the right connection. I am becoming healthier each day. I am liking myself more and more each day. Only 10 months into my journey, there is a very long path ahead of me.....I don't mind though.

At the end of the path, I will break free of my cocoon and fly.......

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