Sunday, October 17, 2010

Another Trip to Earth Fare

A coupon for something free is so hard for me to resist. I had a coupon for a free pineapple at Earth Fare as long as I spent $5. I browsed the aisles for something new to try. I could have spent a fortune on what I wanted to buy but I practiced some restraint. I ended up with some turkey salami (which is surprisingly good) and some left over cheese rinds to put in soup (called cheese soup bones). As I walked up and down the aisles I realized there is a whole other world of food and cooking that I really have not explored. There were foods with little or no sugar, meats that looked delicious and organic was part of most labels. The hard part that is to eat this "healthier" way can be very expensive. Not exactly like shopping at Walmart....

In order to expand my horizons I decided to stop at Earth Fare every few weeks and find something new to try. I am not brave enough to buy things that I wouldn't normally like so I will stick with what I octopus or venison but will buy some chicken, soups, pasta's, breads, etc.....

As I try something new, I will share it with you on this blog. Maybe it will spark someones interest in the things I try and like. I am starting with very basic foods and as I get more comfortable I will branch out.

This is all part of my evolution......weight, exercise, health, as my world expands I hit twists and turns I hadn't anticipated....this is getting to be fun.......

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