Sunday, October 10, 2010

4 Trips to the Gym= Up at the Scales?? UUGGHH

I made it to the gym 4 times this week. I got gloves to wear in the pool to increase the water resistance. Carol gave me a great workout. And what was my reward for all of these efforts?? Up at the scale !!!! My first reaction was to give up. My friends at work gave me words of encouragement.

I went to the gym again and worked out. The old Donna would have throw in the towel. Instead with some encouragement, I decided to work harder.

I think I am working at the weight and exercise thing. I feel like my body is betraying me by not cooperating. The progress is incredibly slow. I may not reach my initial goal by the end of the year but I am still years ahead of where I was last year.

Goals are something to strive for not the be all and end all. Is it horrible if I do not hit my goal by my self imposed initial deadline?? How should I handle this.....quit? NO....I can just move the deadline or goal date out. So if I am not at the 50 pounds down by 12/31....I can give myself more time and not be defeated. I am not a failure....I just need more time. As long as overall I keep pushing in the right direction I believe I will get to my goal weight.......eventually.....

Picture me in the black dress I have always wanted to wear. I can see it now....

Pity party over......

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