Sunday, September 30, 2012

What A Difference A Week Makes

As I headed to work Monday morning, I knew it was going to be a week filled with stress.......

The last week of the month in retail mortgage is usually very busy.  My team was far from goal.  I had been out of the office the last two days of the previous week.  I had to take a test on a new management process that we had been taking classes, tests and practicing on since July.  If we didn't pass we would have to take the test again in 4 to 6 weeks. 

The week went pretty much as I expected.....crazy, busy, constant, stressful and exhausting.  Working late each night trying to get as many loans cleared to close as possible.  Coming home and studying for my test.  Oh and I had worked the past two Saturday's. 

By Wednesday, I felt like I was running on empty..........

Wednesday morning 9:00 AM.....time for the test.  One hour and 58 questions.  Each question was a few sentences long.  The multiple choice answers were each a sentence or two long.  It was just about all theory and situational questions.  You had to apply the theories learned in class to different scenario's.  The problem was many answers were similar.  30 minutes.....15 minutes.....10 minutes....5 minutes....times up.  I looked at the other managers and they all had the same "what the hell was that?" look on their face!!!! We were expecting short multiple choice questions.....nothing at all like the test we just took. 

It is what it is ......back to work........back to trying to find loans to clear to close.

That night it was nice to go home and not have to study. 

Then the phone was 9:15.

Let me back up a little by saying the Chick-Fil-A that Bob works at was taken over by corporate a few months ago.  A new owner had just been brought in.  During the week, he has a person come in and interview the current staff. 

Well, the 9:15 at night phone call was to tell Bob he wouldn't have a job as of 10/1.  She said "they were going in a new direction".  This Chick-Fil-A....not Apple or IBM.......

Bob went to work the next morning at his scheduled time.  Some people never showed up. Some people came in and left.  Final count 17 out of 35 people lost their jobs.  Most of the long time and higher hourly rate people were gone.  Bob did work all his assigned hours and his job ended Saturday at 2:00. 

He was home about an hour when there was a knock at the door.  It  was one of the managers from his store who had also lost his job.  He and Bob had never been best buddies so his visit was a surprise.  He wanted to thank Bob for staying and working his hours.  He said Bob was the only one of the 17 to do that.

Back to Wednesday.....I stayed awake most of the night trying to figure out the household budget without the other income. We have been hit with some extra expenses lately so I am always trying to balance the budget...LOL....maybe I should work in Washington DC.

As I drifted off the sleep I thought "How much worse can it get?"

Thursday, my brother, George, called me at work.  I had just spoken with him on Wednesday so seeing his phone number pop up on my screen was a surprise.  He was calling to tell me my cousin, Gina, who I had just had a reunion with last month was sick.  She was diagnosed with cancer. I HATE CANCER!!!!!

I have been praying for her, her immediate family, her parents and siblings.  Gina has a fighting spirit and is going to give cancer one hell of a fight.  As her brother said ......"She is going to kick cancer's ass!!"

Suddenly all of my issues seemed so trivial.....not hitting goal for month end.....having to take a test.......even Bob losing his one short phone call all that took a back seat to what is most important.

I would appreciate it if you would stop for a minute and say a prayer for Gina and her family.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

So How Was The Contest???

I feel like I just came back from a 40 hour marathon!!!

I arrived at the airport at 6:00AM and we took off right on time at 7:10.  I arrived in Philadelphia at 8:30 and the TD WOW van picked me up at 8:45.  There was never a doubt who I worked for as I saw the van pull up to the curb.  We went from the airport to downtown Philly to meet one of the other finalists, Scott.  The third finalist, Jayme was already in the van when I was picked up.  We were each given a goody bag and a gift bag.  The goodie bag had some snacks to bring along for the day.  The gift bag had one of those rubber cooking mitts, an apron, a camera and batteries.

We went to the Railway Market Station for a snack.  there were so many places to choose stations, bakeries, cheese name it they had it.   

Next it was the Hop On Hop Off bus tour.  We stopped at several locations including Love park.....there is a statue of the word love......I was the only one mature enough (I hate to say old enough) to know the statue was the word love from Love Story.......we saw Betsy Ross's house......museums.....statue's....the Rocky steps and statue of Rocky.  I didn't climb the 70 plus steps since there was no railing and though going up might not have been a problem going down would have been scary.  We took a group photo by the Rocky statue (which is hollow and not really a statue but a movie prop).

Then it was a long lunch at Max Brenner's which is all about chocolate. Even the french fries have a dusting of chocolate powder on them.  OK I will admit I was very bad!!! I skipped lunch and went right for a Chocolate Malted......all I can say is YUM!!!!!

Next we were off to the catering hall.  We met the owners and the managers as well as the chef who assisted me.  For the life of me I can't remember his name so I just called him Chef.  The staff had already made their version of my cookies.  I made my batch.......I am not used to making a single batch so it didn't look like a lot to me but it ended up being enough.  When Chef asked me about using the mixer I told him I mixed by hand. He did say the idea of orange and chocolate was great.  He tatsted my cookies and said they were great....not too much orange. A few hours later we were done baking and it was on to dinner at a New Jersey diner.

By the time we got back to our hotel......I was exhausted.

On Friday, we started our day at 9:00.  We got to participate in a WOW visit with hats, boa's and confetti.  Next it was a meeting with the WOW team about ideas for how to handle WOW events. 

Finally, it was time for the competition.  There was a table in front of each of use with the dessert baked by the caterer and the one we made with a sign in front of ours that said for display only.  There was also a framed version of our story including the photo's we had sent in.  We were introduced one by one and had to get up and tell our story and answer some questions posed to us by the emcee.  My biggest concern besides shaking as I held a microphone and trying not to sound like I was terrified was carrying a tray with the cookies for the judge from my table to the judges table.  I kept thinking "don't trip, don't trip". I told my story and tried not to sound too nervous..  When the emcee asking why I had entered the competition I told him about stepping out of my comfort zone.  Then after a few minutes the winner was announced.  I came in third.  The person who won ............his cupcakes were amazing!!!!  We were interviewed for an article on the company website and also did a video interview for the company TV.  The biggest surprise for me was the President of TD Bank was at TD University for a meeting and he came to meet the contestants and try our desserts.  He took pictures with us and was very personable. 

We went out to dinner and then back to the airport.  Whew!!!! I was exhausted.  The flight home was smooth. Usually when I am on a plane I do not speak to anyone but the gentleman next to me struck up a conversation and before I knew it the wheels were down and we were back in Columbia.

The staff from the WOW Dept. said it was their goal to make us feel like VIP's for 2 days and that is actually how it  felt.

Well, the party is over and tomorrow it is back to reality.  Will I enter another TD contest?  Probably yes.....what are the chances that lightening will strike twice???

Way out of my comfort zone.....absolutely.........but I survived it and yes there were moments when I actually forgot to be scared and enjoyed myself.

And all due to a simple chocolate chip recipe........thanks Nana and thanks Mom!!!!!

500 Hundred Posts and 11,000 views

It is hard to believe I have passed those 2 milestones in the title of this entry.!! I started writing this blog in March 2010.  Knowing that I have come up with 500 topics in that time surprises even me.  What is even more wonderful is knowing that the entries all together have been viewed over 11,000 times (I even have my views removed from the count so as to not throw off the statistics). 

So much has changed since my first entry and so much has not changed too.......

The changes......

I lost my Mom just 9 short months ago.....sometimes it feels like a million years ago and sometimes it feels like yesterday.  Mom loved autumn.  It was her favorite season of the year.  She used to say she loved the fall because it made her think of my Dad who also loved the fall.  It is hard heading into her favorite season knowing she will not be here to share it with........I can't even begin to imagine getting through the rest of the year without her.  I have such wonderful memories of how special she made Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  She loved football season.  She loved baking.  She loved.......

I changed jobs 13 months ago.  Absolutely the right thing for me.  Although I had to leave some very good friends at my old job, my new job fits me much better.  I am back doing the thing I love most.......sounds weird to hear someone say that about retail mortgage huh??  TD has a small company feeling and I believe really cares about their employees.  I have yet to get up in the morning and say "I don't want to go there!!"

I went on my first real vacation in almost 30 years.  The problem with doing that is now I want to do it again.  Hhhhhhmmmmm.....where to next??

I can  now jog several miles in the pool and now know how to use an elliptical.  I kept up my gym membership and still go on a regular basis.  I am still shooting for a 1/2 marathon in the pool before the end of the year.

I have been fortunate enough to see all of my immediate family and some of my extended family during the last year. 

My overall health has improved.  I feel better physically and mentally.  I have learned that are a lot more things I can do than I can't do. 

The not changes........

I am not any where near as far along in my weight loss journey as I had hoped or dreamed. 

My self confidence is not where it should be.

I still have to think about sometimes a zillion times before I make a decision

The want to changes:

Weight, weight and weight.....

Confidence, confidence, confidence......

More trips out of the comfort zone....

Here's to the next 500 entries and 11,000 views......

Thank you for joining me on this ride.......I love having the company!!! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I Won What and Am Going Where??

My Mom always said to pray specific or you never know what you may end up you all know I have been trying to get out of my comfort zone.  Well let's just say my prayers are being answered in ways I didn't expect.  Stepping out of my comfort zone?  This entry will show you how far I am going whether I like it or not!!!!

Let me start by saying if there was a raffle and only one ticket was purchased and it was purchased by me.....I wouldn't win the raffle.  I could buy a million lottery tickets and never win a single dollar. I am just not lucky.........

My company occasionally runs contests for employees.  Last year, it was the best barbecue sauce,  This year, favorite dessert contest.  You had to send in your recipe and the story behind it.  On a whim, I sent in the family chocolate chip recipe. 

Here is what I said:

During World War II there were times when black outs would take effect. When one of the black outs was going to take place in New York, my grandmother read an newspaper article that said to try and make it a fun event for your children in order for them to not be scared. Grandma Raboni decided to make some cookies and make it a party atmosphere for her three children. And that is when the family favorite Chocolate Chip cookies were born (also know as Black Out Cookies due to the event for which they were created).

You need to know my Grandmother was an outstanding baker. Just give her some flour, sugar, butter and eggs and there was a million possibilities as far as what would come out of her kitchen. When my Mom and Dad were married in 1953, my Mom learned to bake from my Grandmother (her mother-in-law). Yes, the cookies were part of the lessons. One of my earliest memories of my Mom was sitting with her in the kitchen of our 5th floor Bronx walk-up apartment making those cookies. I in turn taught my daughter how to make the Chocolate Chips. Now whenever there is a family gathering, my daughter, Jenn, is expected to bring the cookies.

It has been 70 years since the first batch came our of Nana's oven. They are a family tradition and no get together or holiday would be complete without them. Although my Grandmother and my Mom are gone, when my daughter and I are in the kitchen baking these cookies, I am sure there are two other people present in the room watching us measure and mix the batter. The smell of them baking alone can transport me back in time to that small kitchen in the Bronx.

I then gave them the recipe.

Guess who is one of the finalists??? Here I am with some coworkers WOWing me.....TD does this when they have an employee that has done something special.  Can you tell the company colors are green and purple??

I received a call I am one of three finalists from the whole company.  GREAT you might on....

This Thursday I will be on the 7:00 AM flight to Philadelphia.  When I land at 8:30AM, a TD representative will be there to greet me.  From there we hook up with the other finalists and spend a fun day touring, meeting other TD rep's, lunch and dinner out.  Then we go to a catering hall where each of the three finalists will be paired with a chef.  I will have to make one batch of the cookies while the chef watches.  Then the chef will  make more to serve at the competition on Friday. 

Friday will be more running around and events.  At 12:30, each of the finalists will have 10 minutes to present their desserts to the judges.  There will also be a lot of other TD employees at the event.  By 1:00PM we will know who takes first, second and third place.  There are prizes for each finalist.  Then it is out to dinner and by 8:30 PM I am on a plane back to Columbia.

I hate to fly........I don't like not knowing what I am doing next.......I never feel confident enough that I can win anything......and although I love the family chocolate chips I can tell you the competitions desserts sound wonderful.  I thought several times today about how I could bow out gracefully.....there is now me if there were I would have found it!!!

So off I go to Philly......somewhere my Mom is laughing at me...... I am also sure she will be with me this week as I take on a new challenge.  I will let you know how it goes when I write my entries next week.

Wish me luck......I am so scared........

Annie Oakley Returns....

Once again if you hate guns, or people owning them or don't agree with the 2nd amendment skip this entry......I promise there won't be another gun entry for a while after this one.

Last Sunday, Jenn and I were up bright and early.  We headed to Lexington Gun and Shooting Range with our friend Debbie for our Consealed Weapons Class. It was 8 hours long.

We spent the first part of the day learning about guns, ammo, the parts of guns and how to handle guns safely.  Then we went to the range. Out of the 14 ladies in our class there were only 4 (including Jenn and me) who hadn't brought their own gun. Jenn shot in the first group and scored 47/50.  I was in the second group and scored 42/50.  You shoot at a variety of distances 3 ft, 5ft, 7 ft, 10 ft, 12 ft and 15 ft.  When we were first told the distances, I thought that doesn't sound too bad but 15 ft is further away that I thought.  At the 15 ft distance I couldn't tell if I had hit the target or not.....

After our lunch break, it was all about South Carolina laws.  Where you can carry and where you can't.  I was amazed at the very strong feelings people have about the 2nd amendment.  Several times I waited for an American flag to drop from the ceiling while a resounding rendition of "God Bless America" was sung by Kate Smith (OK I know that comment really shows my age). 

By the end of the day.......I had been fingerprinted, passed my shooting test, passed the written test and had handed in all my paperwork for processing with sled for my CWP.

Definitely not the way I would have ever thought about spending a Sunday years ago...but another item gets crossed off my bucket list.

This Is A Break From Work???

I took a few days off from work.  I had all kinds of ambitious plans.  Cleaning out closets, scrubbing down some of the house and maybe just maybe sitting on the front porch and reading.   The best laid plans......LOL.

Some of you might remember a time when I took some time off from work and ended up with a flooded house, a mouse issue and a car jacking victim on my front porch.  Nothing quite that extreme took place on my recent days off but lets just say no closets got cleaned out and the bathroom did get scrubbed before the plumber showed up.

Yes, I said plumber....

Here is part of my problem......I don't think things can be fixed and I ignore things until I have to deal with them.

I have heard this noise like water running in the bathroom when there was no water on, I hear a noise like air in the lines when someone flushed the toilet and sometimes when someone flushes the toilet I hear a gurgling sound in the kitchen sink.  Not good signs.......

I continued to ignore them.......until when you flushed the toilet the gurgling was happening in the bottom of the toilet.....clean water was there but there was that gurgling sound. 

I  broke down and called the plumber.  He said he would be at our house on Thursday.  So of course I felt like all the water sounds were magnified and I kept on expecting a rush of water flowing throughout the rooms in my house.

Next there was the smell.........not from the bathrooms........from our coat closet. Jenn noticed it and then asked me to check the closet.  Yes.....there was a weird smell.  We ended up on Wednesday taking everything out of the closet and smelling and opening boxes......cautiously.  The coats, shawls and sweaters in the closet had picked up "the smell".  We took all the clothes and put them on the front porch.  Over railing and rocking looked like a yard sale was going on.

Next call was to the pest control company that had handled our mouse issue.  They also came on Thursday.

The pest control report.....something died in the wall and the smell should go away in a few weeks.  No point in cutting our walls open.  They put more bait in the attic and storage rooms "just in case". 

The clothes stopped smelling and we moved them into the living room right before a big rainstorm. 

They are still sitting in the living room along with all the boxes from the the smell continues to fade.  There also has been a bowl of distilled white vinegar in there to absorb the smell.

As far as the plumbing issues......

the running water was fixed in 10 minutes by the plumber with some new parts in the toilet tank.

The other noises.........ugh.......all it took was replacing part of the sewer line outside our house but unfortunately on our property. 

Well, it is all fixed now.......cha ching cha ching........

I no longer have visions of water flooding my house........

I am better off staying at the office......what scares me is I still have a lot of time to take off before the end of the year.......I hope my wallet can handle my Paid Time Off !!!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

More Trips Out of the Comfort Zone

In the ever expanding quest out of my comfort zone I have two more things to add to the list........

Last night Jenn and I went to a going away dinner for the Mom of our friend who taught our Italian class last year.  Maria is heading back to Italy.  A wonderful person who loved trying to help us with our Italian.  She and Jenn always managed to figure out what each other was saying...LOL.  A former pastry chef....she would make wonderful treat for our classes and spent one evening teaching how to make lasagna from scratch (including the pasta itself and the sauce) and then we made tiramsu too....yum!!!!

Anyway, last night was her farewell dinner.  Jenn and I drove to a place we hadn't been to before.  We sat with people we didn't know and even had a language barrier in some cases.  We ate in a large screened patio with live music.  Jenn and I shared our meal.....which was quite good. 

For me to go someplace I have not been to before, with people I did not know was a big thing for me!! The old Donna would have begged off or made an excuse not to attend. But I felt it was right to go and say goodbye.  Another big step for me......

Here is another example of Donna changing......

This week I was in a training class and at the end they asked if one team would hold a short team meeting with a Senior Manager in attendance.  No one volunteered.  No one made eye contact with the person making the request.  The silence was deafening and awkward.  So you guessed it......I raised my hand and said I would do it.  Meanwhile in my head I was screaming " Have you lost your mind???? Don't volunteer!!! Pull your hand back down.....maybe no one saw you raise your hand".  But she did she see me wave my hand in the back of the room and Tuesday I will be hosting this Senior Manager.  Me..... the person who hates to stand out in a crowd and hates to talk in public.......

I am not sure what is happening to me........who is this person.......I am not really sure but I kind of like her......I am not sure what opportunities will be coming my way but I am going to do my best to make sure a grab each one of them as I can.......out of my comfort is nice to see I can still grow (inside that is).....I have been so focused on the physical and visual side of me (even though it is moving at a snails pace) is nice to focus on the mental willing to try......not limiting myself......I have to tell you these last few weeks have been fun and yes freeing..........

Sundays and those Government Holidays

I am working on Monday.  Not all day.  From 8 -1.  No, it's not horrible that I am working...... a lot of people work the weekends and holidays.  And it is only for a few hours.

Thinking about working on Labor Day brought me back to a time when holidays were holidays and Sunday's were Sunday's.  Except for police, fire and hospital staff most of us had those days off.  There was no such thing as running to the mall (OK I have to admit there weren't malls when I was fact I wasn't in my first mall until I was 14).  Supermarkets open on way.  You could go to a bakery on Sunday morning but by early afternoon they were closed.  You might find an ice cream parlor open but the world pretty much stopped.  Families spent the day together.....there were no other options.  We would do things as a family.....big Sunday dinners, take a ride in the car, go to the Beach or a park. 

I have become so conditioned to running errands any day I want that I actually get annoyed when I can't do something because they are closed on going to the post office to mail a package or going to some of the smaller stores that opt to close Sunday.

When I drive to work Monday I will be thinking about the holidays the way they used to be......a trip to Ferry Point Park or Orchard Beach or Lake Nanuet or having a barbecue.......I think we may have lost something as we have made things so kids still catch they lay in the grass and look at clouds and figure out what their shapes look they look at the starts at they know what it is to go out and play all day long and get mad when their Mom tells them it is time to come in for dinner........

We may have gained something in the changes that has caused some of our holidays to fade into the background.........but I think we may have lost more......

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!!!


Curlers, A Blow, Dryer, A Curling Iron....and a Partridge In A Pear Tree...

As I continue on my attempts to make it appear that I have a lot of hair I am trying to shake up the preparation process.  Here is what I do:

1.  Shampoo hair
2.  Towel dry hair
3.  Put hair in curlers
4.  Wait about 20 minutes
5.  Use blow dryer on hair while still in curlers
6.  Spray some volumizer on at the base of my hair (sometimes)
7.  Take out the curlers
8.  Brush hair lightly with round brush
9.  Use curling iron
10. Use dry shampoo for more volume (I know I just washed my is all about the volume!!!)
11.  Tease hair
12.  Use hair spray lightly
13.  Wait for hair spray to dry
14. Tease hair a little more
15.  More hair spray

I am lucky I make it to work by noon with what I do to my hair.  The sad part is most days I love the finished product but either it falls flat in about 10 minutes or I look like the late Phyllis Diller........I guess I should just accept my hair as it is .....thin and lifeless......but I can't help it.......I  want beautiful full tresses not beautiful full dresses......