Sunday, September 16, 2012

I Won What and Am Going Where??

My Mom always said to pray specific or you never know what you may end up you all know I have been trying to get out of my comfort zone.  Well let's just say my prayers are being answered in ways I didn't expect.  Stepping out of my comfort zone?  This entry will show you how far I am going whether I like it or not!!!!

Let me start by saying if there was a raffle and only one ticket was purchased and it was purchased by me.....I wouldn't win the raffle.  I could buy a million lottery tickets and never win a single dollar. I am just not lucky.........

My company occasionally runs contests for employees.  Last year, it was the best barbecue sauce,  This year, favorite dessert contest.  You had to send in your recipe and the story behind it.  On a whim, I sent in the family chocolate chip recipe. 

Here is what I said:

During World War II there were times when black outs would take effect. When one of the black outs was going to take place in New York, my grandmother read an newspaper article that said to try and make it a fun event for your children in order for them to not be scared. Grandma Raboni decided to make some cookies and make it a party atmosphere for her three children. And that is when the family favorite Chocolate Chip cookies were born (also know as Black Out Cookies due to the event for which they were created).

You need to know my Grandmother was an outstanding baker. Just give her some flour, sugar, butter and eggs and there was a million possibilities as far as what would come out of her kitchen. When my Mom and Dad were married in 1953, my Mom learned to bake from my Grandmother (her mother-in-law). Yes, the cookies were part of the lessons. One of my earliest memories of my Mom was sitting with her in the kitchen of our 5th floor Bronx walk-up apartment making those cookies. I in turn taught my daughter how to make the Chocolate Chips. Now whenever there is a family gathering, my daughter, Jenn, is expected to bring the cookies.

It has been 70 years since the first batch came our of Nana's oven. They are a family tradition and no get together or holiday would be complete without them. Although my Grandmother and my Mom are gone, when my daughter and I are in the kitchen baking these cookies, I am sure there are two other people present in the room watching us measure and mix the batter. The smell of them baking alone can transport me back in time to that small kitchen in the Bronx.

I then gave them the recipe.

Guess who is one of the finalists??? Here I am with some coworkers WOWing me.....TD does this when they have an employee that has done something special.  Can you tell the company colors are green and purple??

I received a call I am one of three finalists from the whole company.  GREAT you might on....

This Thursday I will be on the 7:00 AM flight to Philadelphia.  When I land at 8:30AM, a TD representative will be there to greet me.  From there we hook up with the other finalists and spend a fun day touring, meeting other TD rep's, lunch and dinner out.  Then we go to a catering hall where each of the three finalists will be paired with a chef.  I will have to make one batch of the cookies while the chef watches.  Then the chef will  make more to serve at the competition on Friday. 

Friday will be more running around and events.  At 12:30, each of the finalists will have 10 minutes to present their desserts to the judges.  There will also be a lot of other TD employees at the event.  By 1:00PM we will know who takes first, second and third place.  There are prizes for each finalist.  Then it is out to dinner and by 8:30 PM I am on a plane back to Columbia.

I hate to fly........I don't like not knowing what I am doing next.......I never feel confident enough that I can win anything......and although I love the family chocolate chips I can tell you the competitions desserts sound wonderful.  I thought several times today about how I could bow out gracefully.....there is now me if there were I would have found it!!!

So off I go to Philly......somewhere my Mom is laughing at me...... I am also sure she will be with me this week as I take on a new challenge.  I will let you know how it goes when I write my entries next week.

Wish me luck......I am so scared........

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great stepping out of the comfort zone being shy and introverted myself (lol)I can see how this may affect you differently. With that said, I am in your corner rooting you on with all of the zeal i posses.
