Sunday, September 23, 2012

500 Hundred Posts and 11,000 views

It is hard to believe I have passed those 2 milestones in the title of this entry.!! I started writing this blog in March 2010.  Knowing that I have come up with 500 topics in that time surprises even me.  What is even more wonderful is knowing that the entries all together have been viewed over 11,000 times (I even have my views removed from the count so as to not throw off the statistics). 

So much has changed since my first entry and so much has not changed too.......

The changes......

I lost my Mom just 9 short months ago.....sometimes it feels like a million years ago and sometimes it feels like yesterday.  Mom loved autumn.  It was her favorite season of the year.  She used to say she loved the fall because it made her think of my Dad who also loved the fall.  It is hard heading into her favorite season knowing she will not be here to share it with........I can't even begin to imagine getting through the rest of the year without her.  I have such wonderful memories of how special she made Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  She loved football season.  She loved baking.  She loved.......

I changed jobs 13 months ago.  Absolutely the right thing for me.  Although I had to leave some very good friends at my old job, my new job fits me much better.  I am back doing the thing I love most.......sounds weird to hear someone say that about retail mortgage huh??  TD has a small company feeling and I believe really cares about their employees.  I have yet to get up in the morning and say "I don't want to go there!!"

I went on my first real vacation in almost 30 years.  The problem with doing that is now I want to do it again.  Hhhhhhmmmmm.....where to next??

I can  now jog several miles in the pool and now know how to use an elliptical.  I kept up my gym membership and still go on a regular basis.  I am still shooting for a 1/2 marathon in the pool before the end of the year.

I have been fortunate enough to see all of my immediate family and some of my extended family during the last year. 

My overall health has improved.  I feel better physically and mentally.  I have learned that are a lot more things I can do than I can't do. 

The not changes........

I am not any where near as far along in my weight loss journey as I had hoped or dreamed. 

My self confidence is not where it should be.

I still have to think about sometimes a zillion times before I make a decision

The want to changes:

Weight, weight and weight.....

Confidence, confidence, confidence......

More trips out of the comfort zone....

Here's to the next 500 entries and 11,000 views......

Thank you for joining me on this ride.......I love having the company!!! 

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