Sunday, September 16, 2012

Annie Oakley Returns....

Once again if you hate guns, or people owning them or don't agree with the 2nd amendment skip this entry......I promise there won't be another gun entry for a while after this one.

Last Sunday, Jenn and I were up bright and early.  We headed to Lexington Gun and Shooting Range with our friend Debbie for our Consealed Weapons Class. It was 8 hours long.

We spent the first part of the day learning about guns, ammo, the parts of guns and how to handle guns safely.  Then we went to the range. Out of the 14 ladies in our class there were only 4 (including Jenn and me) who hadn't brought their own gun. Jenn shot in the first group and scored 47/50.  I was in the second group and scored 42/50.  You shoot at a variety of distances 3 ft, 5ft, 7 ft, 10 ft, 12 ft and 15 ft.  When we were first told the distances, I thought that doesn't sound too bad but 15 ft is further away that I thought.  At the 15 ft distance I couldn't tell if I had hit the target or not.....

After our lunch break, it was all about South Carolina laws.  Where you can carry and where you can't.  I was amazed at the very strong feelings people have about the 2nd amendment.  Several times I waited for an American flag to drop from the ceiling while a resounding rendition of "God Bless America" was sung by Kate Smith (OK I know that comment really shows my age). 

By the end of the day.......I had been fingerprinted, passed my shooting test, passed the written test and had handed in all my paperwork for processing with sled for my CWP.

Definitely not the way I would have ever thought about spending a Sunday years ago...but another item gets crossed off my bucket list.

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