Sunday, September 16, 2012

This Is A Break From Work???

I took a few days off from work.  I had all kinds of ambitious plans.  Cleaning out closets, scrubbing down some of the house and maybe just maybe sitting on the front porch and reading.   The best laid plans......LOL.

Some of you might remember a time when I took some time off from work and ended up with a flooded house, a mouse issue and a car jacking victim on my front porch.  Nothing quite that extreme took place on my recent days off but lets just say no closets got cleaned out and the bathroom did get scrubbed before the plumber showed up.

Yes, I said plumber....

Here is part of my problem......I don't think things can be fixed and I ignore things until I have to deal with them.

I have heard this noise like water running in the bathroom when there was no water on, I hear a noise like air in the lines when someone flushed the toilet and sometimes when someone flushes the toilet I hear a gurgling sound in the kitchen sink.  Not good signs.......

I continued to ignore them.......until when you flushed the toilet the gurgling was happening in the bottom of the toilet.....clean water was there but there was that gurgling sound. 

I  broke down and called the plumber.  He said he would be at our house on Thursday.  So of course I felt like all the water sounds were magnified and I kept on expecting a rush of water flowing throughout the rooms in my house.

Next there was the smell.........not from the bathrooms........from our coat closet. Jenn noticed it and then asked me to check the closet.  Yes.....there was a weird smell.  We ended up on Wednesday taking everything out of the closet and smelling and opening boxes......cautiously.  The coats, shawls and sweaters in the closet had picked up "the smell".  We took all the clothes and put them on the front porch.  Over railing and rocking looked like a yard sale was going on.

Next call was to the pest control company that had handled our mouse issue.  They also came on Thursday.

The pest control report.....something died in the wall and the smell should go away in a few weeks.  No point in cutting our walls open.  They put more bait in the attic and storage rooms "just in case". 

The clothes stopped smelling and we moved them into the living room right before a big rainstorm. 

They are still sitting in the living room along with all the boxes from the the smell continues to fade.  There also has been a bowl of distilled white vinegar in there to absorb the smell.

As far as the plumbing issues......

the running water was fixed in 10 minutes by the plumber with some new parts in the toilet tank.

The other noises.........ugh.......all it took was replacing part of the sewer line outside our house but unfortunately on our property. 

Well, it is all fixed now.......cha ching cha ching........

I no longer have visions of water flooding my house........

I am better off staying at the office......what scares me is I still have a lot of time to take off before the end of the year.......I hope my wallet can handle my Paid Time Off !!!!!

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