Saturday, September 1, 2012

More Trips Out of the Comfort Zone

In the ever expanding quest out of my comfort zone I have two more things to add to the list........

Last night Jenn and I went to a going away dinner for the Mom of our friend who taught our Italian class last year.  Maria is heading back to Italy.  A wonderful person who loved trying to help us with our Italian.  She and Jenn always managed to figure out what each other was saying...LOL.  A former pastry chef....she would make wonderful treat for our classes and spent one evening teaching how to make lasagna from scratch (including the pasta itself and the sauce) and then we made tiramsu too....yum!!!!

Anyway, last night was her farewell dinner.  Jenn and I drove to a place we hadn't been to before.  We sat with people we didn't know and even had a language barrier in some cases.  We ate in a large screened patio with live music.  Jenn and I shared our meal.....which was quite good. 

For me to go someplace I have not been to before, with people I did not know was a big thing for me!! The old Donna would have begged off or made an excuse not to attend. But I felt it was right to go and say goodbye.  Another big step for me......

Here is another example of Donna changing......

This week I was in a training class and at the end they asked if one team would hold a short team meeting with a Senior Manager in attendance.  No one volunteered.  No one made eye contact with the person making the request.  The silence was deafening and awkward.  So you guessed it......I raised my hand and said I would do it.  Meanwhile in my head I was screaming " Have you lost your mind???? Don't volunteer!!! Pull your hand back down.....maybe no one saw you raise your hand".  But she did she see me wave my hand in the back of the room and Tuesday I will be hosting this Senior Manager.  Me..... the person who hates to stand out in a crowd and hates to talk in public.......

I am not sure what is happening to me........who is this person.......I am not really sure but I kind of like her......I am not sure what opportunities will be coming my way but I am going to do my best to make sure a grab each one of them as I can.......out of my comfort is nice to see I can still grow (inside that is).....I have been so focused on the physical and visual side of me (even though it is moving at a snails pace) is nice to focus on the mental willing to try......not limiting myself......I have to tell you these last few weeks have been fun and yes freeing..........

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