Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1 mile walking vs. 3 on the elliptical

Today, I walked 1 mile on the gym on the track. That's not a big deal you might say.... I was as tired after the 1 mile as I have been after 3 miles on the elliptical. I was wondering why? Then I thought about it....when I am on the elliptical, I have handles to hold on to....when I walk it is just me and the track. I turned on my IPOD and off I went. One mile is 11 trips around the track. I went 4 laps and had to stop for a minute, then another 2 laps and stop, then 2 more and stop until I had done the 11 laps. I hated that I had to stop in between and wish I could be like so many others and just keep going. It wasn't my legs that bothered me. It was my breathing that seemed to get out of sync. I tried to focus on the music. I tried to concentrate on breathing through my nose. Why oh why at 54 can I not breathe through my nose? I know for me to keep my mouth shut is difficult but breathing with my mouth closed should not be that hard.

Well, I finished the mile but was soaked in sweat....not a pretty sight. My plan is to get around the track 5 times without stopping, then 6 times and so on until I can do the mile without stopping. I bet I can and will try to do this by the end of the year.

Just think....by the end of the year I can celebrate how far I come during this year weight wise, health wise and my overall well being. I am happy with my progress. It has been hard and there are days when I want to give up but fortunately by the next day I am back to working on me. I am a work in progress..... Compare me to the statue sculpted by Michelangelo....it shows a person coming out of a piece of marble.....that's me...not a work of art....but inside of me is another person trying to get out......not a different person just healthier and more physically fit but still Donna......searching for approval and acceptance......I know, I know....those of you who love me say I am already accepted as I am.....in my heart I know it.....but in my head .....that's a different story....

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