Sunday, August 15, 2010

Should I do the Biggest Loser Walk in Myrtle Beach??

The Biggest Loser is having an event in Myrtle Beach in September. It is either a one mile walk or a 5K. It is not a is an event. As I said in an earlier post I would never be a contestant on the Biggest Loser but this event intrigues me. I am sure there will be a huge turnout. Myrtle Beach in September should be beautiful (hopefully not too hot). I can walk a mile. Not sure I could do the 5K.....I can do it on the elliptical but with my hip and knees acting up at times....I wouldn't want to commit and then fail to go the distance. Maybe I could shoot for the 1 mile and if I felt good enough do the 5K. I just don't want to fail !!!!

Since everything starts at 8 AM on Saturday, it would either mean a very early morning drive to Myrtle Beach on the 25th or go down on Friday and spend the night. It will be off season rates. I would try to find a hotel near the "walk" route. I could pick up my packet on Friday instead of in the crowds Saturday. As I get older, I have a hard time being in crowds. I know Saturday there will be a lot of there but I am hoping the excitement of the event will win over my phobia of crowds. For my $25, I would get a t shirt and medal at the finish line. I have never had a medal or trophy for anything I have ever done in my pathetic is that???

Anyway this is not something I would be able to do alone....just participating would be a HUGE step out of my comfort zone. Anyone want to come along and walk with me or cheer me on? Anyone think I am crazy to want to do this? Maybe I think it is crazy.... a one mile walk that will cost me $25 and cause me to get out of bed at dark thirty to drive a few hours to the beach??

I am nervous....I am a chicken.....any why good Lord can't I be a big girl and do this myself.....I will just have to think on it.....

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