Sunday, August 8, 2010

I know it is not always about the numbers...

I know my journey is not just about the numbers BUT it does feel good to be down again at Weight Watchers. On my way to the meeting each Saturday, I think about my week. Was I as good as I could have been? Did I blow it any where along the way? Did I make the most of my workouts? Did I burn enough calories? Did I make wrong choices when I was tired? Good thing no one can hear me negotiating with myself.....being the positive person I am....I never think I will be down at the scales. Then I start to think....what is the worst I could be up....uugghh!! Why can't I just think.....Donna, you have had a good week...wonder how much you lost?

Anyway , I went to the meeting and was very pleased to be down. We are nearing the 30 pound mark !!! 120 sticks of butter !!! I may still reach my 50 pound goal by the end of the year. Then I can set my new goal !!

I made Weight Watchers lasagna for dinner. I also made WW macaroni salad and a salad with chic peas, artichoke hearts, arugula and wine vinegar and olive oil. The 2 salads are for lunch this week. I am looking forward to having them as a change of pace. I tend to eat the same things over and over again because they are easy then I get bored. By making some things to switch it up, I am excited about eating new foods.

So let's look at the pluses....weight heading down, endurance increasing, trying new foods and doing things at the gym that surprise me. The down about.....nah.....then there's......uummm.....well what do you know....the negatives are starting to fade away....along with my weight.......this could be scary......who knows how good I will feel this time next year or the year after.......WOW!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Donna, today is the first time I read your blog. I am very proud of you. Good luck in your journey, it is not easy but you can do it.Love Pat
