Saturday, August 25, 2012

Annie Oakley....I Am Not.....

Another entry to my "Donna tries new things" list......

I am giving fair warning that if you hate guns, do not believe in the 2nd amendment or are against people owning might want to skip this have been warned

Jenn and I went for a shooting lesson to get ready for our CWP class.  We are attending a Ladies Only class on September 9th.  Neither of us had ever shot a gun before so it was a little intimidating.  When we arrived at Lexington Gun and Shooting Range we met with our instructor, Elaine.  She spent some time going over the basics and asking why we wanted to get our CWP.  We sat in the classroom while she showed us various types of guns and ammo.  She taught us about which eye was dominant, how to hold a gun and spent a lot of time on gun safety.  After all of that was over she asked if we wanted to shoot.  We both said we would like to try it so off to the range we went. We put on our headsets to block out the noise of the range and eye protectors.  I volunteered Jenn  to go first.  Elaine put up the target, loaded then gun and reminded us of all the safety issues. 

Jenn got up and shot 5 times hitting the target each time.  I was next and my arms were shaking a little (ok a lot).  I did hit the target all 5 times too.  Then it was Jenn's turn again and then me.  We both felt much better having taken our first shots. As our instructor told us now our class will be easier because we won't be worried about holding a gun for the first time.  She said we will be able to concentrate more on the class.

Here are some pictures of us from the range......

Painting, family reunions, learning to shoot and the CWP class....I am about adventured out for now.....

Further Out Of My Comfort Zone....

Last week I had a real treat.....I was able to catch up with a cousin I hadn't seen in 25 years.  Her son, Ryan, had just graduated from Fort Jackson.  We hooked up at Rockaways....a local burger joint.  Jenn and I got there a few minutes early so we could snag a few tables and put them together.  After a few minutes Gina, Craig and their family showed up.  I met her daughter, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.  After a few minutes it was of we had just seen each other yesterday.  Jenn bonded with Sabrina over their love of collecting shot glasses.  Gina and I shared family memories.  It was nice for Jenn to meet some of my Mom's family.  When Ryan talked about where he had listed to be stationed he said his list included Italy, Hawaii, Alaska but not South Carolina.  I asked if he would want to be stationed here again.....he was very definite that South Carolina was not on his wish list.....what a surprise....LOL!!

It was fun evening that went way too fast!!

OK so you may be wondering why I titled this entry "further out of my comfort zone"??  Well, that is because about an hour before I was going to meet my cousin I almost called and said I couldn't make it.  Why?? Because of how I look......OK OK I know I know......I am a work in progress but there is that person in my head that keeps telling me I am fat and ugly.  I wasn't sure if Gina would even recognize me.  But then I thought about all the opportunities I have passed up because of how I feel about myself.   Well no more or at least I am trying to say no more......I have missed too many things because I am self-conscious and have had it drilled in my head I am worthless. 

I am learning I am worth something to someone.....ME!!!! Like I had said in an earlier post I am trying to say yes more and no is not easy but maybe after a while I won't have to hesitate before I say yes.  At least I hope I will.....I also need to think of all of the people who would have missed experiencing that would be a loss......

Donna the Artist

I have never been considered artistic.  My idea of a picture of someone is a stick figure.

Last week, as part of my Donna trying new things meant attending An Easel Evening with some friends.  It was held at a very cool old cotton mill that was converted to a restaurant.  There were at least 10 ladies in a section by ourselves.  At each place was an easel and a blank canvas.  We had a choice of painting daisies or a palmetto tree.  I chose the palmetto tree.  Next what colors did I want to use......I decided on Gamecock colors.  The I had a cocktail and then another to loosen up my creative juices....LOL.  I ordered an appetizer (no dinner) and water.  I didn't want to over do it in the creative juices dept.  Now I had to paint.  The instructor gave us the basic idea of what to do.  We selected our brushes and paints. 

Now I actually had to put something on the canvas.  There was a cutout of a Palmetto Tree that I traced.  I was even creative enough to put the top of the tree over to top of the canvas.  OK  I had traced the tree now I  had to paint.  In order to get the Gamecock garnet, I had to do several coats of the paint.  Meanwhile, I had to try an not paint over the outline of the tree.  Once I finished the background I had to paint the tree black.  I used some kind of a painting knife for that...I tried to make it look like the leaves of the tree were overlapping.  I also tried to make the trunk look rough like a real tree trunk would.

When I felt like I had done enough damage to the canvas I stopped.  I adjusted my easel and at that point the painting fell off onto me.  My green shirt was covered in blood red paint. Oh so that is why artists wear smocks???  I get it but it doesn't explain why they wear beret's.   I looked like I should be the corpse in an episode of Law and Order.  I tried to not look too embarrassed.  When we took our group photo I stood in the back so you couldn't see the red paint all over my top.

Soon, the class was over and I had the fun of trying to leave the mill without the patrons seeing my lovely stained shirt.......they might have thought I was part of a murder mystery dinner. 

Next month they are painting azaleas......not sure if I am up to that......I will be have to wait and see. I don't know how much creativity I can stand.  And I don't think it will ever qualify for an art least not one I would want to be part of.......

So would you like to see my work of art????? Ok here it is......I call it "Gamecock Palmetto Tree".....

For those of you who would like one of these wonderful works of art for your own....please don't hesitate to contact me.  All it will take is a few cocktails and I can create it in no time!!!!

And here is a group shot of all the budding artists!!! Yes, I am hiding my paint stain in the second row......I wonder if Picasso had these problems???

Saturday, August 11, 2012 rules at the gym pool!!!!

WOO HOO!!!!!!! I went to the gym and some of my prayers have been answered!!!!!!!!!!!  There was a notice on the entrance to the pool and the gym and the locker one under 5 is allowed in the pool at all!!!!! The locker room is only for gym paying members and if you let others enter the locker room you can lose your gym membership!!! No one under 12 allowed in the locker rooms.

I guess there had been so many complaints.....including mine on many occasions that they finally decided to take action.  How many times do you have to shut down the pool for extra cleaning?  I guess it had to hit them in their pocketbook for the management to finally take action.  Happy dance.....Happy dance!!!!!!

As I have said many times the pool is there for exercise not for kids to play in.  When someone comes in to swim laps they shouldn't have to wait while a family with 2 kids in swimmies ties up the lanes.

I am so looking forward to going to the pool tomorrow.  Just me and the other adults that are trying to get a workout is good!!!!

You are never to old to set another goal

You are never to old to set another goal or dream another dream. C. S.Lewis

How great is that quote!!!!!

I totally buy into that now that I am older.  While it is true there are things I will never do such as bungee jumping or be a size 6 or own a house by the ocean........

There is still plenty of time to make up new dreams or refine my bucket list. 

There are the obvious things like the weight and healthy eating.....those are givens.  But there are new goals and dreams to be dreamt.

More traveling.
More time with family,
More laughter.
More writing.
More love.
More yes's and less no' the things I want to do.

I want to make sure that during the second part (or second act) of my life I worry less about what others think and not worry about getting the approval of others.

So please if you ask me to do something and I hesitate.....remind me of this blog entry and kick me in the ass if necessary.......remind me that I am not too old to dream.......

PS Goal number 1- I want to do my half marathon in the pool by the end of the it may be down to the last minute....say maybe December 29th LOL......but it want to do it this year.......there I have said it now I can't back out!!!!

Double Sided Mirror

A few weeks ago I wrote about the nightmare of my reflection in the fitting room mirror.  My sister told me about the double sided mirror......I see myself one way in the mirror and on the other side of the mirror are people who see me differently.  I needed to hear that......we are all much harder on ourselves than we are on each other.  I know that I can look at others and not see the flaws that they may feel self conscious about.  Whether it be their weight or their hair(or the lack of it) or a birthmark (especially the ones that suddenly resurface at midlife).......everyone has something they feel uncomfortable about.  I feel self conscious about all three of the items listed. 

My hair....ugh......there was a time when I had a nice full head of it.  Now I spend a lot of time making what I have look like it is more than it is.  When Wayne cuts and highlights my hair I love it!!! Last time I went to see him I actually wrote down the steps he takes to make my hair look full and beautiful.  I have not been able to get his technique down pat yet but I will keep trying.

The weight....need I say more??? I think I continue to cover this topic ad naseum......

OK the I had this birthmark when I was born.  It is right in the middle of my forehead between my eyes.  When I was young my parents discussed with my pediatrician whether they should consider plastic surgery for it?  The answer was would most likely fade......which it did......until about a year ago.  Now it is back......really?????  I notice it every morning when I put on my warpaint.....ok make-up. There it is big as least to me.  Others may not notice it as much but to me it is a giant red blob right between my eyes.  But if I put down my head to not look at it I end up looking at my ever thinning hair.......

Do I sound like I have some issues......oh I need to get over myself......uh huh!!!

Maybe I need to take a trip around to the other side of that double sided mirror and try to see the Donna that the rest of the world sees. Yes, she might have weight issues and thinning hair and a stupid birthmark but she also has compassion and maybe an inner beauty and that wicked sense of humor......hey she sounds pretty neat!!!!

The outside will take care of itself one way or the other......that is all and exercise for the weight......learn to do my hair the way Wayne does for the thinning hair and I am sure there is some make-up out there to cover the birthmark.  See  the outside is all fixed!!!!

And the is a shock........I think I look pretty good in that department........and I hope those on the other side of the mirror will agree.........

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Oh Crap.....There Is Going To Be A Family Reunion

Please do not misunderstand......I love my family.

I am so looking forward to a reunion of the Welch side of the family next summer in Missouri.  Yes, I said is a central location where those who have to travel the farthest from both sides of the US will be able to make it in a day or two drive.  This will be the first major gathering of the Welch's in 25 years.  Of the original 9.....there are now 5. The family members that were the kids of the original 9 are now gathering as parents and grandparents......our "children" are in their teen's, twenties and yes.... even some in their thirties. 

If you know me know what my issue's how I look.  Amazingly, time has stopped for some of my family.  They look young and thin and well you know......

For me......I was struggling with my weight 25 years ago and that hasn't changed,  I don't want to show up as the big one.  I know my family loves me  but I don't want to stand out. 

I want to go to the reunion so bad but I want to go as someone else......

Since going a someone else is not an option........I have a year to make me better,  A sounds like a long time but next July will be here in a flash.  If nothing else motivates me maybe this will.......

I can tell you this for will be 4 crazy days.  I will be meeting some relatives for the first time and reconnecting with others who although we have not seen each other in years have never left my heart.  I have suggested we get "I survived the Welch Family Reunion" t-shirts.  I also think Missouri is a good choice since none of my family lives in the if we are asked to leave the state there won't be any issues.  We will need name tags to identify each other.  There will be committees for everything from food/cooking to entertainment.  It should be a blast!!!

Now I just have to work on me.....getting myself to a place where I feel comfortable with myself.  I have a little less than a year to do it......think I can?? too......

Resetting to Zero

Instead of focusing on where I have been and what I have accomplished, I am going to act like tomorrow is Day 1.

Instead of focusing on what I have lost or am now able to do that I couldn't before or what I have learned about eating.....I am going to act as if this is the way I have always been and move ahead from here.  You might wonder why I am doing this.......I think by resetting to zero I won't focus on the past as much.

So when I get on the scale tomorrow.....that is the weight for day 1.  It doesn't matter how much I weighed when I started all is where I am now and where I am heading.

That means that when I wake tomorrow I have always been able to do a few miles on the elliptical or run 3 miles in the pool.  I have always been a member of a gym.  I have always worked out on a stepper.

That means tomorrow  I will have always known what quinoa is.......and how to pronounce the name correctly.  I have always known that carb's are not a required food group.  I have always known I should eat when I am hungry not just because it is dinner time.  I have always known that even natural sugar in food isn't good for me.  I have always gone to food stores and been willing to spend a little more to get the healthy foods I like.

That means that tomorrow I will have always written a blog. I will have always shared my personal and thoughts with anyone willing to read my blog. 

I have been searching for a way to refocus and renew my efforts.  Maybe by resetting to zero I can let go of the past and move to the future.  I can leave some of the baggage behind to lighten my load.  OK so here we are Day1.........let's get moving.......